Wendy Johnson

Massage Therapist

License Number 13196

With over 22 years as a Massage Therapist, Wendy is still just as passionate about her career as the first day. Originally from Michigan where she worked in a chiropractor’s office, she has also worked at the Monte Carlo, Westin, and Cosmopolitan Spas in Las Vegas.

Wendy specializes in a more therapeutic and relaxing type of massage. She is trained in several modalities including: Cupping, Heated Bamboo, Hot Stone, Table Thai, Basics in Cranial Sacral and Ortho Bionomy Myofascial and Essential Oils.

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Destinations Spa

1147 N Guignard Dr Suite 6
Sumter, SC 29150


Monday - Friday
9:30am - 7:00pm

9:30am - 7:00pm


If you have any special event we can come to your place and make you beautiful.